At times like this, i just realised that simple things in life can really put the smile/shine back! I have noticed that Penang is getting more and more beautiful with the amazing flowering " Sakura" Check out
Food, good food and good company brings laughter. Had been going out to play games and K-session with TT and Botak. We played this new game called MammaMia. It's about Pizzas. TT was the first one to excel in the game where she completed all the orders! Bravo, clap clap... But then Botak boh kam buan! Make us keep playing till he win also. :P Went out for a sunset outing and seafood at Teluk Kumbar with Ivan, YF, PM and Tie. Had a good laugh and some great shots as well. With lots of tips from my sifu as usual. This shot has Mr. Tie in the pic. He always complain that the 3 of us take the same shot. Haha.. i am sure, this one will be unique!
Today was again a Blood Donation Sunday! All the regular volunteers show up, hence i was VSS-ed today. Hence contributed in another way, i donated another pint of blood. Yeah Yeah! Hehe... :) Also donated blood to 10 mossies today! Maybe moody ping has sweet blood! Wei.. smile