Ouch Ouch Ouch!
3 weeks ago, before the raya long hols, i slipped and fell down the stairs at work. Well, the good thing was that my laptop hit the step first and thus saved me from rolling all the way down. i was lucky to escape with a badly hit right foot at the ankle area! No broken bones, no sprained mussles or tendon! Just some ice and rest on the foot and i was up and about almost the next hour!!! Though i suffered the pain for a week.. kinda minor pain, as i didn't rest my poor foot enough, was running about all over the place, weddings etc etc etc...
Finally when i tot my suffering is over, last night, i managed to whack my right elbow into the pillar at home! Ooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuchhh!
Yup.. it's that painful! With a drop of tear appearing at the corner of my eye! Was too tired.. went to sleep instead. Should have put some ice last night!
And now i am in severe pain... Ouchhhhhhhh!
THis post is getting painful even for me to read... with lots yells and moans and "ouch"es!!!
But i am really in pain. The lucky thing is that it doesn't hamper my normal activity like typing, carrying stuff etc! i also managed to play ping pong tonight! A couple of things i can't do are to brush teeth and pull the safety belts in my car! oh, btw, just in case you are wondering, i do brush my teeth, with my left hand! but i think i sprained my left wrist just now brushing my teeth! OUCH!
pain in right elbow, pain in left wrist.... How how how! Any sifu to recommend me? Any quick remedy?
Pain oh pain, when are you going away?
Kampung Agong 2024 - Me, Just Me
3 weeks ago
Asked you to go behind Federal Cinema one mar... :D How about a SPA next week?
aiyo, how to wait for four hours!!!
Spa..i am dreaming of winning toto and going to Spa in rasa.. haha!
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