Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grow up! and Happy Merdeka!

Err...The decision to block Malaysia Today is getting to be another big joke! Block it, and then 3 or 4 mirror sites pop up. Everyone is still accessing what RPK is writing. So. what is this hoohaa about anyway?

Can't understand why our datuks in gov. can't see this simple fact. Even the kids, at least every Harry Potter fan can knows this, remember what brilliant Hermoine said when Umbrigde ban the magazines. By banning it, it will ensure each and every student read it. And i think most adults, teachers know that the best way to make teenagers do something is to forbid them to do it. Forbidden fruits always taste sweeter. Rebelling against authority is an exciting thing. Especially when the authority acts unfairly and is too controling.

If you monitor the traffic to RPK site, i am sure there will be an increase of traffic since the ban.

now, what is even more laughable and insulting to the intelligence of the Rakyat is the reasosn/excuses given by our ministers,

"Blocking Access To Malaysia Today Website Is Not Censorship", Says Syed Hamid
Then what is censorship?

Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor has said "It was not the Government’s decision to block access to the Malaysia Today news website but a directive from the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission." He also said that this year alone, 127 blogs and websites, among them get-rich-quick schemes sites, were blocked by the commission for contravening the Communications and Multimedia Act.
Riddle: What has RPK has in common with get rich schemes? Both are blocked by MCMC!

Happy Merdeka! my area is all jammed up, hence i am sitting here bloging...

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